Friday 2 July 2010

was good

To have that writing periodically is good because to sharpen the learning. I think was good to have a second part in the curse devoted to the writing. Personally I liked very much because the second part it did more entertainig, important cuestion, because I worked everytime without distract me and I did every to concienstously. Is true that one time the teacher I find me using the traductor, but really I used as dicctionary! Also is true that the teacher surpirse me translating one set phrase, but inside that occasion never more I did.
I think that the writing is very stimulating above all when we writing about our opinions of the videos, web pages or post of other partner.
I liked the way of doing it because when you reserch new words and you write in the context know you increase your vocabulary. Is a good discipline writing and read in english. The next semester I would like have the same sistem, also I ould like read short storys and writing a text about them. We could read to Edgar Alan Poe.
But I think that work the listening, that is more complicate because we dont listen a lot.
Some time I dont like read the other partner because as everybody we are learn we hace to make a mistakes, this excersise is a little empty, I think.
But, I insist, we could read literature and to do our texts. That should do very funny! Well... In short I have making satisfactory progress. Well, not so much all!!! but I have go little to little.
I think that my thought is general between my partners. I think that to they also have had a develop.

Friday 25 June 2010

I saw Maria Graciela's blog and I discovered that she is a fanatic of the '70 years. She has images about the Goostok Festivals, Janis Joplin, that last image it not relation necessarily with the topic because she talk about of the tecnology, but obviouly I can discover a relation between the image and the topic.
She has ten publications and I can discover a taste for the english cultur in general: the music, the '70 music, the artist, You tube and the Simpson.
There is a image that I intersting more than other. That is the last but one: "Rock, freedom and love". That photo is powerful for me because it show a couple with their son lying down in the ground. My inpression is very traditional respect to the children and the father's culture. I know that the hippies was a life philosophy and also that they lived as they thought.
She says,"It make me think in the most comfortably life" or "The oposition of the freedom fenced in behind" us say her position respect to a one part of the life. But, thinking in the syntax of the sentence I discover one mistake or maby I don't know. She says: "The oposition of the freedom fenced in behind", here I discover alny problem for to understand. But she want says that the couple is fenced! Anywere I think that she must read more for ti make progress in english because she will integrate best the language. I think that she read fine in general and that is a "detail" to improve.

Friday 18 June 2010

Our culture

In general the chilean people confuse the popular habit with the folklore of "Patrón de fundo". We could talk about the diference into the Washaca culture and the folklore. The washaca culture we can see in the antique neighborhood as Recoleta, Independecia, etc. There are a washaca culture because the old people have diferent habits regarding to the young people. In this neigborhood there is a mixture between old habits and the pop culture. That convination, I think, to develop a washaca culture. But the our national dancing, "La Cueca", its representative of one part the our past society: "el Patrón de fundo".
But, What relation exist with the feeling of the chilean? Well, the people praise to the folklore rejecting to the our washaca culture because they think that is vulgar. While "La cueca", dancing between the "patrón" and the "china" is the best. Is good that exist any feel about our, but also we have that be observant with our around.
For "El 18" we celebrate our independence day and we are very chilean. Is good, but there are more, we are more that "La cueca", "La Empanada", "La fonda", "el campo", etc. Our celebration is inspired in the central zone of Chile, nothing more.
Also we express our feel of chilean when Chile selection play futball. The people be exited very much. Today we are living this emotions con the World Cup.
In this periods we are more chilean, we enjoy our foods, dancing, etc. But, I repeat, is necessary look to other places, other dancing, other food, For example: The sopaipillas, the popular character as the sopaipilla's peddler, etc.
But, I think that we have the creative force for to prove our feel of chileans.

Friday 11 June 2010


I think that this lovely image is only action. Here is my son playing to be a doctor and he's arm his legos. In this image show my mather aunt playing with Gaspar. She is very emotiv and don't see very much to Gaspar, so when she came to my home enjoy too much.
The image is not recent, it of summer... Ah! I remember that this photo is at december, especifically after christmas because he's playing with the toys received in this celebration. Now his toys are any place of home; its are lost, I think.
Daniela, my cousin took the image. She always take its photografic camara. Really she took the image in a precise moment; she capture a exaltation moment. Gaspar is really happy in this image.
In general he's very emotiv and energetic as its show in this image. For example, he'll dancing in his school for the father's day and his teacher says us (to Carlos and my) that he is the most dancer in his nivel.
I love this image because represent the temperament of Gaspar; overjoyed energy, expressive, etc. But, obviously that sometime is tiring for me.

But, go back to the image I think that Gaspar is very nice in the moment that be took its the image: his eyes, mouth, the general expression of his face is great.

The photografic of the childrens are very nice in everytime, not is necessary go to especials place or to stay in a particular celebration.

Friday 4 June 2010

I' agree

I' agree
it was very complicate understand to Ted, but I think that can say something.
He say about creativity, education, the future and the schools, etc. Everythink that he group for to criticize the education sistem and the mentality about the future of the kids with regard to his talents.
The talents aren't important, sometime, for the peoples. Why? Because something talents aren't give good money and the future without "good meny" is really boring. But this persons talk about the future with the poor mentality because they think only in the money!
I think that we do alert with the talents of the kids and to do accomplice of the develop of his interest.
Is really that the sistem demand something talents and not others, For example:
Phisic's teacher, but not phisic's investigator;plastic arts's teacher, but not history's art teacher;too much matematics and language classes, but not too much desports and culture's classes;etc.!
Is incredible think that everybody studing for the money, but and our creative develop? How we can became persons happys?
I`m mother and I'know that the future is very important, but if I not help in the creative develop of my son, whats do he in the future when he have big challenge if he does'n creative?

Is very important give to the kids too much tool for his develop, but not only two or three...
The writter, dancer, artist are very necessary fot the one society; a really society.

Friday 28 May 2010

I'm not very technologic

I'm not very technologic. I have got just two things I use everydays: my cell phone and my notebook. In fact the cell phone is not so important. I never charge money and if somebody stole it me I really don't worry about. I do worry if somebody stole me my bip card. About my notebook it does really important to me. It conect me with all things I love, like TV series, movies, books, documents, etc. My university life would be problematic if I wouldn't have got my notebook. I really love my printer too. I can print all I want and then I can read it on my bed. My printer is too fantastic because it let me have my books in my hands to write them, take them. I can say that My printed has changed all my universitary life because I don't spend money in text copies any more. I don't have to go Macul for the copies neither.

My cell phone is the less important thing to me because I just use it to talk whit my mum and boyfriend (they always call me). In fact, the cel phone is not a very funny object. It doesn't have games or music. But my notebook and printer does.It makes me my life more easy. Technology is very important to people because it grow up life quality. Altough is not convenient we consume a lot of technologic products because we lose some of our liberty. We have to keep in mind that we can't enjoy technology in all places. That's why we have to have a distance whit it.

I'm not very technologic

Friday 14 May 2010

Coñaripe, Liquiñe

With my mom always we have long travels. Hours and Hours my mom driving for the highway. Some times we traveled with my cousin other times with friends of my mom. The last travel that we did was in 2008 inside Villarrica, towards to the mountain. That holidays we went with my son, Gaspar, my boyfriend, Carlos and a friend of my mom, Ángela.
We liked have a rest for that reason we choose the springs in Liquiñe. That place is wonderfull. We did surrounded by green; little green's mountains, big natives trees, the sky very near with the white cloud get moving it more than in the city.
My son was very happy with the animals of surrounded him: bulls and cows, hens, etc. But he dont like the hot water of the springs; my mom and her friend to liked of hot mud; they talked about the to benefit for the skind; my boyfriend don't like very much with the idea to have a rest "out civilization". But was it very entertining to do over with him.
But there is a very important situation that we don't like very much: this summer in the south was it very very hot!!! Since 15 years that there were not 36 degrees. So very dificult entertining of the springs during the day, we waited until the nigth.

Friday 7 May 2010

Michael Baxandall

He is the art historian of century XX. He was born in Augost, 10 of 1933 and died the 12 of the same month in Londres. This author is very approachable for know it work because his writing is clair and especific in his problematic. Telegraph say about him "always demanding of himself and his readers an undissembling clarity of thought and expression".

I meet Baxandall when I choose to read his book colled Patterns of Intention: On the Historical Explanation of Pictures (1985) for a course of cultur. My group was Bunny, Fran and Pipe and we liked very much because he had a form modest to talk about art (I think that is very difficult to fine in the authors) and sometimes he said sorry because he think that his expresions or tips about artistic style can change. But I not talk about his specifically work.

Michael Baxandall, for to refer to a period (or artistic style) only he define a cultur and social context with its influences and later he start to redefine a artistic movement or artistic period, etc. He enhance the influences of the cultur for example in the artist for the talk develop your work.
Is very important to fine this historian, we think very much about century XIV, XV and XVI respect to the art and cultur.

Friday 23 April 2010

A new web page

I visited the web page of the BBC London and I discovered a place very nice. In this page I can write, listen and learn english easily. It's very entertaining and full: there are news of every world, videos, series, talks, intoaccount about tips for example "the music in the classromm", etcetera.
I liked know this page because I can exercise the pronunciation of he english language and also to tune my ear. I like very much the little series about tips in english. I discovered tips about the colour blue, the sport in general, the body parts, etcetera. The men how is the star of the program ir very entertaining and very clear. Really its very easy to understand him.
Also I visite a soap opera called "The Faltmates" where it can see and read the dialogues of the character.
So is more easy to understand this language because there are a lots options that stimulate the learning.
Also I can informed about the world and to know more about other places. Obviously this knowledge is superficial, but is a good start...
While I can soak me of this language visiting this page.

Friday 16 April 2010

The earthquake

Really I felt boring because it was very higth, but I think that in the situation I maintains in calm. I was in my home sleeping with my boyfriend and my son was in other room.
When started the earthquake, Carlos, my boyfriend, wake up me and my mam and we went to search our sun. We had that lean against the wall to arrive to the door. Carlos took him in his arm and I´give a blanket. My mam opened the door. We dont talk anymore, only we wait that stoped.
During the earthquake we could´nt walk, It was very roaring. I felt that house it would fall.
Later we were awake for too much time, our son remained sleeping.
Its was bad comunications and obviously we hadn´t line telephone. Carlos had comunication with him family with urgently because their live in a old house and very flawed.
Finally Carlos be connected with him family and late of ten days it be regularized the line telephone.

Friday 9 April 2010

I`m student of Theorie and History arts and I`m in the last year (fourth). In this year I want find a problem for my thesis, but I know that will be it about education and art. For to find a especific problematic I´m taking a qualified about greek culture.
About my english course I`want to pass with good calification because I`hope learn more this language. For my course of Greek Philosophia I´need to read in english a litle.