Friday 25 June 2010

I saw Maria Graciela's blog and I discovered that she is a fanatic of the '70 years. She has images about the Goostok Festivals, Janis Joplin, that last image it not relation necessarily with the topic because she talk about of the tecnology, but obviouly I can discover a relation between the image and the topic.
She has ten publications and I can discover a taste for the english cultur in general: the music, the '70 music, the artist, You tube and the Simpson.
There is a image that I intersting more than other. That is the last but one: "Rock, freedom and love". That photo is powerful for me because it show a couple with their son lying down in the ground. My inpression is very traditional respect to the children and the father's culture. I know that the hippies was a life philosophy and also that they lived as they thought.
She says,"It make me think in the most comfortably life" or "The oposition of the freedom fenced in behind" us say her position respect to a one part of the life. But, thinking in the syntax of the sentence I discover one mistake or maby I don't know. She says: "The oposition of the freedom fenced in behind", here I discover alny problem for to understand. But she want says that the couple is fenced! Anywere I think that she must read more for ti make progress in english because she will integrate best the language. I think that she read fine in general and that is a "detail" to improve.


  1. I think in every blog we can see the different interesting of everyone, the music, pictures and themes that every people chose.

  2. Hello
    I think that An interesting thing of the blogs is that every person can express his personal tastes.

  3. I like 70's too, as María Graciela.
    What I like about her posts is she interacts quite a lot with the reader through the questions she proposes.
