Friday 7 May 2010

Michael Baxandall

He is the art historian of century XX. He was born in Augost, 10 of 1933 and died the 12 of the same month in Londres. This author is very approachable for know it work because his writing is clair and especific in his problematic. Telegraph say about him "always demanding of himself and his readers an undissembling clarity of thought and expression".

I meet Baxandall when I choose to read his book colled Patterns of Intention: On the Historical Explanation of Pictures (1985) for a course of cultur. My group was Bunny, Fran and Pipe and we liked very much because he had a form modest to talk about art (I think that is very difficult to fine in the authors) and sometimes he said sorry because he think that his expresions or tips about artistic style can change. But I not talk about his specifically work.

Michael Baxandall, for to refer to a period (or artistic style) only he define a cultur and social context with its influences and later he start to redefine a artistic movement or artistic period, etc. He enhance the influences of the cultur for example in the artist for the talk develop your work.
Is very important to fine this historian, we think very much about century XIV, XV and XVI respect to the art and cultur.


  1. Baxandall is an important historian for our career, his work been very useful.

  2. Hello
    In that course we were together, but I choosed to other author, however I remember his presentation about Baxandall.

  3. I don´t know Michael Baxandall I don´t read his books, but I will read him, I think that (for you) is interesting


  4. I don't know the work of this autor, but results me interesting the things that you said about him. Someday, I hope read it.

