Friday 11 June 2010


I think that this lovely image is only action. Here is my son playing to be a doctor and he's arm his legos. In this image show my mather aunt playing with Gaspar. She is very emotiv and don't see very much to Gaspar, so when she came to my home enjoy too much.
The image is not recent, it of summer... Ah! I remember that this photo is at december, especifically after christmas because he's playing with the toys received in this celebration. Now his toys are any place of home; its are lost, I think.
Daniela, my cousin took the image. She always take its photografic camara. Really she took the image in a precise moment; she capture a exaltation moment. Gaspar is really happy in this image.
In general he's very emotiv and energetic as its show in this image. For example, he'll dancing in his school for the father's day and his teacher says us (to Carlos and my) that he is the most dancer in his nivel.
I love this image because represent the temperament of Gaspar; overjoyed energy, expressive, etc. But, obviously that sometime is tiring for me.

But, go back to the image I think that Gaspar is very nice in the moment that be took its the image: his eyes, mouth, the general expression of his face is great.

The photografic of the childrens are very nice in everytime, not is necessary go to especials place or to stay in a particular celebration.


  1. I agree with you!
    In this picture almost I can to hear his caracteristic laugh!

  2. Hello Claudia
    The photography is very beautiful, I believe that it shows a moment that is stopped. The photography expresses many things, is very alive

  3. Ooooh!! I didn't see Gaspar for a long time! I saw him once crawling in the library. And, as that time, Gaspar looks happy and funny in this picture.
