Friday 2 July 2010

was good

To have that writing periodically is good because to sharpen the learning. I think was good to have a second part in the curse devoted to the writing. Personally I liked very much because the second part it did more entertainig, important cuestion, because I worked everytime without distract me and I did every to concienstously. Is true that one time the teacher I find me using the traductor, but really I used as dicctionary! Also is true that the teacher surpirse me translating one set phrase, but inside that occasion never more I did.
I think that the writing is very stimulating above all when we writing about our opinions of the videos, web pages or post of other partner.
I liked the way of doing it because when you reserch new words and you write in the context know you increase your vocabulary. Is a good discipline writing and read in english. The next semester I would like have the same sistem, also I ould like read short storys and writing a text about them. We could read to Edgar Alan Poe.
But I think that work the listening, that is more complicate because we dont listen a lot.
Some time I dont like read the other partner because as everybody we are learn we hace to make a mistakes, this excersise is a little empty, I think.
But, I insist, we could read literature and to do our texts. That should do very funny! Well... In short I have making satisfactory progress. Well, not so much all!!! but I have go little to little.
I think that my thought is general between my partners. I think that to they also have had a develop.


  1. Clau! is a great idea for the next semester read literature or short texts in english... I agree!

    See you!

  2. English is useful. Is his best side.

  3. I agree with you about to read literature and too in your idea about the listening...

  4. if you wont to create brain, you most to go more inside in to the spanish people. the poor one, not the beauty one.
