Friday 18 June 2010

Our culture

In general the chilean people confuse the popular habit with the folklore of "Patrón de fundo". We could talk about the diference into the Washaca culture and the folklore. The washaca culture we can see in the antique neighborhood as Recoleta, Independecia, etc. There are a washaca culture because the old people have diferent habits regarding to the young people. In this neigborhood there is a mixture between old habits and the pop culture. That convination, I think, to develop a washaca culture. But the our national dancing, "La Cueca", its representative of one part the our past society: "el Patrón de fundo".
But, What relation exist with the feeling of the chilean? Well, the people praise to the folklore rejecting to the our washaca culture because they think that is vulgar. While "La cueca", dancing between the "patrón" and the "china" is the best. Is good that exist any feel about our, but also we have that be observant with our around.
For "El 18" we celebrate our independence day and we are very chilean. Is good, but there are more, we are more that "La cueca", "La Empanada", "La fonda", "el campo", etc. Our celebration is inspired in the central zone of Chile, nothing more.
Also we express our feel of chilean when Chile selection play futball. The people be exited very much. Today we are living this emotions con the World Cup.
In this periods we are more chilean, we enjoy our foods, dancing, etc. But, I repeat, is necessary look to other places, other dancing, other food, For example: The sopaipillas, the popular character as the sopaipilla's peddler, etc.
But, I think that we have the creative force for to prove our feel of chileans.


  1. The chileans are chileans only for convenience... We should be chileans all the time and not only on september.


  2. hahaha. It is true! "EL PATRÓN DE FUNDO!". In all us national history exist this character. Today too.

  3. It is good to think what is considered to be Chilean. Maybe we will be surprised if we analyze our history and all the things that we have excluded.

  4. I agree with you!
    I love the sopaipilla's peddler!! xD

  5. I like sopaipillas but made in home. I don't trust in sopaipilla's peddler...
    The national dance, the national day, the national heroes I think are political decisions (the cueca was instaured by Pinochet). Isn't representative at all chilean people, is almost impossible. El roto chileno now is cool, but always been vulgar and nasty. As the cueca: never was a ballroom dance, was the dance of the common people, the dance's brothel in La Chimba. Just are symbols of one political line.
