Friday 4 June 2010

I' agree

I' agree
it was very complicate understand to Ted, but I think that can say something.
He say about creativity, education, the future and the schools, etc. Everythink that he group for to criticize the education sistem and the mentality about the future of the kids with regard to his talents.
The talents aren't important, sometime, for the peoples. Why? Because something talents aren't give good money and the future without "good meny" is really boring. But this persons talk about the future with the poor mentality because they think only in the money!
I think that we do alert with the talents of the kids and to do accomplice of the develop of his interest.
Is really that the sistem demand something talents and not others, For example:
Phisic's teacher, but not phisic's investigator;plastic arts's teacher, but not history's art teacher;too much matematics and language classes, but not too much desports and culture's classes;etc.!
Is incredible think that everybody studing for the money, but and our creative develop? How we can became persons happys?
I`m mother and I'know that the future is very important, but if I not help in the creative develop of my son, whats do he in the future when he have big challenge if he does'n creative?

Is very important give to the kids too much tool for his develop, but not only two or three...
The writter, dancer, artist are very necessary fot the one society; a really society.

1 comment:

  1. Hello
    I believe that always there is space for a way of thinking different. There is an official culture, but always there is another alternative way of seeing the world.
