Friday 28 May 2010

I'm not very technologic

I'm not very technologic. I have got just two things I use everydays: my cell phone and my notebook. In fact the cell phone is not so important. I never charge money and if somebody stole it me I really don't worry about. I do worry if somebody stole me my bip card. About my notebook it does really important to me. It conect me with all things I love, like TV series, movies, books, documents, etc. My university life would be problematic if I wouldn't have got my notebook. I really love my printer too. I can print all I want and then I can read it on my bed. My printer is too fantastic because it let me have my books in my hands to write them, take them. I can say that My printed has changed all my universitary life because I don't spend money in text copies any more. I don't have to go Macul for the copies neither.

My cell phone is the less important thing to me because I just use it to talk whit my mum and boyfriend (they always call me). In fact, the cel phone is not a very funny object. It doesn't have games or music. But my notebook and printer does.It makes me my life more easy. Technology is very important to people because it grow up life quality. Altough is not convenient we consume a lot of technologic products because we lose some of our liberty. We have to keep in mind that we can't enjoy technology in all places. That's why we have to have a distance whit it.

I'm not very technologic

Friday 14 May 2010

Coñaripe, Liquiñe

With my mom always we have long travels. Hours and Hours my mom driving for the highway. Some times we traveled with my cousin other times with friends of my mom. The last travel that we did was in 2008 inside Villarrica, towards to the mountain. That holidays we went with my son, Gaspar, my boyfriend, Carlos and a friend of my mom, Ángela.
We liked have a rest for that reason we choose the springs in Liquiñe. That place is wonderfull. We did surrounded by green; little green's mountains, big natives trees, the sky very near with the white cloud get moving it more than in the city.
My son was very happy with the animals of surrounded him: bulls and cows, hens, etc. But he dont like the hot water of the springs; my mom and her friend to liked of hot mud; they talked about the to benefit for the skind; my boyfriend don't like very much with the idea to have a rest "out civilization". But was it very entertining to do over with him.
But there is a very important situation that we don't like very much: this summer in the south was it very very hot!!! Since 15 years that there were not 36 degrees. So very dificult entertining of the springs during the day, we waited until the nigth.

Friday 7 May 2010

Michael Baxandall

He is the art historian of century XX. He was born in Augost, 10 of 1933 and died the 12 of the same month in Londres. This author is very approachable for know it work because his writing is clair and especific in his problematic. Telegraph say about him "always demanding of himself and his readers an undissembling clarity of thought and expression".

I meet Baxandall when I choose to read his book colled Patterns of Intention: On the Historical Explanation of Pictures (1985) for a course of cultur. My group was Bunny, Fran and Pipe and we liked very much because he had a form modest to talk about art (I think that is very difficult to fine in the authors) and sometimes he said sorry because he think that his expresions or tips about artistic style can change. But I not talk about his specifically work.

Michael Baxandall, for to refer to a period (or artistic style) only he define a cultur and social context with its influences and later he start to redefine a artistic movement or artistic period, etc. He enhance the influences of the cultur for example in the artist for the talk develop your work.
Is very important to fine this historian, we think very much about century XIV, XV and XVI respect to the art and cultur.